Bring Your Child to Work Day
Here at Client Instant Access, we maintain a level of professionalism and diligent work ethic day today because of the white glove service we provide to our clients, but sometimes it’s okay to be a little silly here and there. What better way to be silly and get your hands a little messy than inviting your children to spend the day with you at the office!
Although there is always something exciting happening on our conference operating floor or seeing the colorful and creative ideas are flying out of the sales team’s office, we were able to experience a whole new level of creativity and fun! CIA held it’s annual “Bring Your Child to Work Day” this past Thursday. Everyone in the office participated in this fun day. From the CEO, to the General Manager, to the Director of IT, to the Sales Team. Even the Operations team took some time out of the busy schedules to be there and share this day with their fellow colleague’s children.
The day began when the children all arrived at 9:00 AM with their parents for a bagel breakfast. During out breakfast, the children each had the chance to go around the table and introduce themselves to the rest of the office, stating their name, their birthday, their age and who their parent was. As the children became more comfortable with one another, we began our activities and there were TONS of little conversations happening in our conference room! Around 10:30, we stopped for a short “coffee” (actually a donut) break which seemed to be the highlight of the morning. Post donut break, the children took a tour of the office, the garden grounds and even the rest of the building. We took an elevator ride and a few pictures in front of the bridges outside. When we returned to the office, the children did some fun worksheets and some coloring. We paused around 1:00 for a business luncheon to eat and discuss what our afternoon was looking like.
After lunch, the creative wheels were spinning in our conference room. The kids were responsible for creating their own company, a company logo, a company t-shirt, and even their own app! The children were the most excited about this activity and couldn’t wait to share their ideas. From virtual tag to heating and cooling through your cell phone, online gymnastics classes, and even translator conversational apps. These kids covered it all! After presenting their company, app, logos, and t-shirts, the children reflected on their day spent here with us at Client Instant Access. Needless to say, I think our staff wishes those bright little people could share every day in the office with us. Bring Your Child to Work Day 2019 here at CIA was something to remember to their children. We know we definitely will!